Friday, October 23, 2009


I had my medical school interview a while back and recently got word that I have been accepted to Ross University in Dominica. Wooooo!

This is a happy time for me because this has been the dream for quite a number of years. I know it isn't Harvard or even a Canadian or American school, but it's the opportunity offered to me so I will make the best of it!

You see, as I previously posted, University was an up and down experience that taught me a lot, however my academic record didn't show that the whole time. With the extremely limited number of medical school spots here in Canada, unfortunately there are many, many applicants ahead of me who have perfect academic records that will get considered first. It doesn't matter if I turn out to be much better suited for medicine or how good my MCAT or my GPA for the last two years was, they get the spot and I don't.

So now, it's up to me to get my shit together and make the best of what is offered. In the end, with Ross, I will be an MD, and if I work hard enough I'll get the residency spot I want and can practice anywhere in the USA or Canada. In the end the goal is the same and I will get there regardless.


Anonymous said...

Ross U sucks. I would avoid it at all costs. Go to a US school. Unless you're really desprate can't get in and have no where else to go. Just remember they are a business and care about nothing else other than business. You are a number and a tuition payment. And it's getting worse. They are overloading the class sizes so much so that all first semester students can't even fit into the class room space available for them. But if you really want to be a doctor and you are self motivated, then come to Ross, ignore the hype and the rumors, keep your head in the books, get in then get out. See you in January :-)

Anonymous said...

sucks youre ditching your awesome girlfriend though!

Dr. Coxy said...

To Anonymous 11:24am , all other avenues have been used up. Unfortunately, as I described below, my GPA took a bad hit in my first year and that puts me out of consideration for most if not all US schools. I had a great MCAT but there are many students ahead of me with great GPAs that I get passed up.

Get in get out is definitely the plan lol see you in January

And to Anonymous 5:51, don't worry she's coming with me ;)

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