I'm going to start this one with a little tiny confession...
I'm not exactly an M.D. as the blog title might imply. I'm actually not even in medical school yet! Currently, I'm stuck in the limbo that is medical school applications but I really couldn't wait to get this thing started, and the name sounded so damn cool! So I apologize if I'm getting ahead of myself, but then again this is my blog so... I'll call myself whatever the hell I want!
I will however start with the disclaimer that not only am I not a doctor, but anything I say on this page should not be taken as medical advice in any way, shape or form. Even when I've completed medical school, I STILL won't know what I'm talking about, so again please do not take anything I write on this blog as even remotely correct. I may be making most of it up anyways.
Now, with all that out of the way, let's get this started!
This blog will chronicle my journey from university to medical school and beyond, starting right now with the application process and hopefully culminating with me obtaining a neurosurgery residency. And yeah, if anyone out there is actually reading this, then I'll likely continue through that too (I'm sure that right now, neurosurg residents everywhere are laughing, thinking of their hectic lives and how little time I'll actually have. Or not since they probably have better things to do. Like sleep.)
I'll likely pepper this with the occasional social and political commentary, as well as some of the completely random thoughts that (all too often) pass through my head.
For now, posts to come about my application process, MCAT's, my upcoming interview and all sorts of fun stuff.
Coxy M.D.
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