Friday, December 11, 2009

There Are Worse Things...

I must say there are worse things than going to medical school on a tropical island, especially being from Montreal, where winter sucks much worse than for most major cities out there (see picture). We have actually been spoiled here with the weather this year as the temperature has hovered around 10C until just recently. Thats above freezing until the middle of December! Totally unheard of. But of course, winter had to rear its ugly head and ruin it for everyone, dumping a good foot of snow on us in a period of about 4 hours. Good times. I was actually really frustrated while driving during this particularly shitty storm, but one little thought put a smile right back on my face. It was when I thought of picture number 2 of this post, which I had seen a few days before. It is a picture of Batibou beach, which is where much of Pirates of the Caribbean 2 was filmed. I just pictured all the snow and slush and the crappy gray sky turning into crystal blue waters and sunshine, and all was well. Sure I'll be studying for most of the day and living in the 3rd world won't be a picnic, but at least I won't be freezing my ass off in 2 feet of snow during my free time. Oh hell no. I'll be drinking rum out of a fucking coconut on the beach. This beach RIGHT here.


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